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2021 Rising Up

2021 Rising up: Stories from our schools

The “Rising up” section of the report goes beyond the numbers to spotlight schools and programs where students have experienced success, with the view that we all can learn from their practices. These schools are not “exceptional”—rather, they show that we have what we need in Pittsburgh to raise achievement for all.

We asked teachers, students, administrators, community members, and a parent to share their stories after a difficult school year. We thank everyone who participated.

Read on to find out how:

  • A range of city residents deeply connected to schools coped during the past year, and what they think we need for students to thrive in the future, in Stories from the pandemic

  • Arts integration brings Pittsburgh’s teaching artists into classrooms to provide powerful learning at Pittsburgh Beechwood PreK-5 and other schools, plus interviewees’ recommendations for strong school/arts organization partnerships

  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers at Pittsburgh Brashear and Pittsburgh Carrick high schools provide relevant learning experiences for students, and the district’s CTE program uses the resources of the city to prepare them for their next steps